Interview, Music

‘Some things need to be burned’, the new single by Jonas Brekke

Photo: Marthe Amanda Vannebo

This Friday August 11th Jonas Brekke released his new single ‘Some things need to be burned’. And with this song Trondheim based singer-songwriter once again proved that very few artists on the Norwegian Americana scene can compete with him, whether we’re talking about excellent songwriting or as always atmospheric music or his voice

‘Some things need to be burned’ with its melancholic tones is perfect for these late summer days. And the motive that sometimes you need to turn the page and leave the past in the past will undoubtedly be close to many listeners

The single was recorded at Brygga Studio in Trondheim. And this time again with great contribution by Pål Brekkås (bass, production), Alexander Pettersen (guitar) and Stian Lundberg (drums)  – “I’m a big fan of all three of them, and I feel so privileged to work with and have these guys in my corner”, Brekke says

Jonas Brekke, who is well-known for his outstanding live shows (like this year’s fabulous performances at Trondheim Calling and Nidaros Blues Festival), got his more than deserved place at Pstereo 2023. So highly recommended to be at the main stage at 15:20 on Saturday 19.08!

Read the interview with the singer-songwriter talking about the new single, plans for the next album and how it feels to be on the road again.

The new single is about “how we sometimes need and have to let go of the past and turn the pages.” Is there a personal story behind this?

As in all my songs, there is a personal aspect. But I’m not sure if it’s a special story. When I wrote this song, I felt that, from time to time, you may have to or should burn and turn some pages in your own book in order to grow. Not necessarily because you yourself have done something you regret, but because the past is the past, and maybe we should focus on the future. 

Perhaps a slightly vague answer, but I want to give listeners the opportunity to interpret my music and lyrics as they wish.

“Some things need to be burned” is the second single after your debut album “Tomorrow’s Avenue” which was released on March 18, 2022 (the first one, “Old Pink Lady” was released on May 19th 2023). Can we expect more singles or maybe a new album coming soon?

For now, this is the last single of the year from me. I am now working on finalizing the lyrics and melody for the next album, and according to plan, I will release this during the first half of 2024.

Since the release of your debut album last year, you have toured a lot. How does it feel to be on the road again?

After the release of the album, we toured a bit around central Norway. And I had a solo tour last summer. Being on the road, playing concerts, and meeting wonderful people is really what I consider the best part of this life. 

The new single as well as your previous ones were recorded in collaboration with Pål Brekkås, Alexander Pettersen and Stian Lundberg. What is the secret of this “success team”?

Well, we are just a good match. We work together very well; they like what I write, and they have, so to speak, free rein to contribute with what they think my music needs. Well, almost free rein. We have a great collaboration, which we will continue in the future. I’m a big fan of all three of them, and I feel so privileged to work with and have these guys in my corner.

You are playing on Pstereo this year. What are your thoughts about this? And how and when did you get acquainted with the festival?

I consider the Pstereo festival to be one of the biggest festival gigs you can play in Trondheim, so of course, this is absolutely fantastic and a bit surreal. Pstereo is a great music festival that I have been attending since it started, and it’s a dream come true to play there. 

I hope the audience will come early on Saturday and share this with us. We’re playing on the main stage at 15:20; be there! 

You will also play at the Dark Season Blues Festival in Svalbard on October 26–29. Do you have more concerts planned for this year?

Yes, we are traveling to Svalbard in October. The Dark Season Blues Festival is a relatively large international festival, so it will be great to be part of this. We will be staying a couple of extra days in Svalbard, which will give us the opportunity to experience Svalbard’s nature and wildlife.

Apart from the festival gigs, I’m going on a small solo tour in Lofoten in September, and then there will be a few individual concerts in the fall and winter. Dates for these will be released continuously.