
‘Vampire Night’, the debut single by Sunset Queen

Photo: Edvard Rokkan

Trondheim based Sunset Queen released their debut single ‘Vampire Night’ last Friday January 12th. Formed in 2019 and being a live-band since then, they are now on the way towards their debut album. 

If you’ve been to one of the band’s concerts, you already know well how unique their sound is. Drawing inspiration from the Renaissance and the Baroque period, the music of the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and the early 2000’s, Sunset Queen creates an inimitable blend of sounds and moods. Add here adventurous lyrics telling about magical and mythical worlds and you got a band that really has no comparison on Trondheim rock scene

Sunset Queen presents ‘Vampire Night’ as a celebration of the occult and mystical. With a sound somewhere in between the classic, psychedelic, progressive and folk rock. This single is also a testament to the band’s willpower, as the temperature was under -15 degrees when the song was recorded instrumentally, in a cold studio with holes in the floor.

“‘Vampire Night’ has been one of our favorite songs for a long time, and it’s always a thrill to play it live”, the band says. “It seems to awaken a sense of standing outside of time, with its ever increasing intensity. Now we’re really excited about releasing our next song (which will be somewhat different), sometime during the next couple of months”

Sunset Queen
Emma Semonia Carrier Lien – vocals
Steingrim Fiskum – guitar
Håvard Hasfjord – drums
Håkon Haugen – bass

Photo: Edvard Rokkan 
Logo: Rune Helander

Listen to ‘Vampire Night’ on all streaming services!
Apple music
Amazon music