
Hollow Hearts‘ new single ‘Because You Stick Around‘ out today via Westergaard Records!

Photo: Daniel Lilleeng

And while we are looking forward to the band’s new album, listen to the single on your preferred streaming service!

“The song was written in the spring of 2021. It was in the middle of the pandemic and life had been turned up side down in so many ways.”, Ida Karoline Nordgård of Hollow Hearts

“No gigs, no traveling, not seeing friends and family, reading the news way too many times a day etc… So this new everyday life at home got more important than ever. Still, the confirmations you get from the audience when performing live is kind of addictive you know. That combined with not hanging around and working with your favorite people led to a kind of difficult state of mind. I think a lot of artists struggled with a feeling of being worthless during these past two years. Finding inspiration when you’re spending most of your time at home not being able to do what you do best can be an interesting challenge. 

Also I should mention that I’d just gotten a puppy. A Portuguese Waterdog. Jaco was no covid-puppy, but a long awaited buddy. I’m like insane allergic so the fact that this doggo didn’t give me all the sneezing and red eyes stuff was quite overwhelming. Dog people will know! Haha. I got lucky. So the song started out as a kind of an admission that I was starting to appreciate this new life of not chasing for something laying in the future. This is a happy song, for once! I’d say the melody is quite Joni Mitchell inspired and I like the pop-ish vibe we wrapped around it. It was recorded in Kysten Studio in our hometown Tromsø. Sivert Henriksen was technician and co-producer on the sessions we did last year. He is such a talented guy that we really love working with. 

The new album is in the making. We’re about half-way and still writing news stuff. You can expect another single in the fall. It’s a mellow and kind of peculiar little thing. You’ll see when it’s time.”

‘Because You Stick Around’
Words by Ida Løvheim & Ida Karoline Nordgård
Music by Ida Karoline Nordgård
Produced and performed by Hollow Hearts
Co-produced and engineered by Sivert Henriksen
Recorded in Kysten Studio, Tromsø
Mixed by Håkon Pettersen
Mastered by Morgan Nicolaysen, Propeller Mastering

Hollow Hearts
Ida Løvheim – vocals
Ida Karoline Nordgård – bass, synths, vocals
Christoffer Nicolai Mathisen – guitars, vocals
Mikael Pedersen Jacobsen – drums, percussion & vocals

Listen to ‘Because You Stick Around’ on all streaming services: